Santa Who? Santa You?
So here's how it went down:
Last year, "Santa" got her a digital camera. About couple months ago, my mom borrowed her camera for work since she was up here and didn't have hers with her, and mine... well that's another story. Anywho, months go by and I asked my mom if she was going to send the camera back to her, since she lives out of town. It was never coordinated, and for whatever reason, my mom decides just to give my daughter the money to buy a new one. Cool, I didn't really like the other one anyway, and hey, I was in a hurry when I bought it, ok?? Over a period of a week, I keep sending my daughter links to cameras that I think will work and you know what? That little chick is picky!! She keeps telling me she doesn't like this one cuz of the color, and that one doesn't have all the features... say what? Yes, I realize me being somewhat of a tech geek myself caused this, but come on now! You're 11, what features do you need... really?? We decide on a cute little red camera, 10 megapixel and comes with all the features she can handle.
Last week my mom came up again, and she was at the house and my daughter shows her the camera she got. I'm telling my mom about one of the features, and ask my daughter to hand me the camera.
"No." she says.
"Gimme the camera, I paid for it." I say.
"No, Nana paid for it."
So I say, "I paid for the original camera this one is replacing."
To which my daughter responds, "I thought you said Santa got that camera."
I know what you're thinking... she got me. But wait, I'm ready to call a spade a spade... let her know the truth, or at the very least, stop jumping through hoops and let her come to whatever conclusion she wants. I'm done trying to cover this up.
"Girl, quit playin, you know I'm Santa!"
Hahaha!! None of us can stop laughing. Then I tell her that's she's known for a while and she just giggles and says "Yeah."
Gotta love that super cutie :)
Fantasy Update
Being who I am, I can't just let someone talk trash and not do whatever possible to take him off his #1 perch in the league. I may be ahead in points, however the fantasy football Gods have smiled upon him and bestowed him with a tie in last weeks match up, leaving me in the #2 position. Until Monday nights game, I was in first place in this league for the first time since the season started. He congratulated me, then 2 minutes later, notified me of his tie and resurgence back to 1st place. A tie??? Really???
Our teams go head to head this week. How fitting is this? My fave team, Dallas Cowboys, travel here to take on the Arizona Cardinals on Sunday. Of course I have Romo as my QB and who does he have, none other than Kurt Warner.
May the best woman win!! ;)
damn...bitter much??
so fast forward... a couple months later. he, meaning j, graduates from the police academy. and i get a call at i dunno, 10:30pm. im usually in bed early but at the time i had to be at work at 7am so i went to bed pretty early. now i had deleted his number back when we broke up out of my phone, didn't want to be tempted to call him since as far as i was concerned the breakup was the best thing for me. i answer the phone and its him. he says that he's on my side of town and has no where to go. do i wanna hang out?? i ask why he's over here since he lives in the west valley and he says he graduated tonight and that he just left the graduation party? what kinda party ends at 10:30??? anywho, so i say congrats and then he asks if i wanna hang out. said no im in bed, to which he responded, hangin out in your bed sounds good and chuckles. yeah that ain't happenin... so i tell him i dont wanna hang out so i guess he drives home. now side note - i could have sworn i saw his car driving on my street earlier that day but blew it off cuz he lives so far away... now im wondering. ok so this is when things get ugly. lol so apparently he didn't expect me to say no so he drives home and we're talking while he's driving. we get on the subject of me telling him i luv him and he asked if i did. in being honest, i say that no, in hindsight i don't think i did. i felt it in the moment, but no i must not have otherwise i don't think i would have gotten over it so quickly. man he did not like that. so highlights of the convo from this point on??? i must not want to be friends cuz i never call him - ummm i didn't really call u much when we were together, why would i start now?? that i must really wanna get married and desperate for a husband. im really not sure he ever met me after hearing that one lol. im a liar and a slut for telling him i loved him when i didn't and he doesnt want to be around to watch me lie to some other guy and tell him i love him when i really don't. that all girls do is lie and none of them know what luv is. that he called me hoping, he actually said hoping, that i was secretly very hurt and upset and that i was trying to be strong. WTF??? who are u kidding? now what kind of person wishes bad emotional mojo on someone. especially someone they claim to have cared about not all that long ago. then he got mad cuz i deleted his number from my phone. suffice it to say the convo didn't end well. he pissed me off with the insults and name calling, that's so childish. but if it makes him feel better than fine. so bottom line, not friends. his choice. im ok with it, more than ok. i came to the conclusion that a friendship with him would be one sided and im all around better off without him. me being the nice person, tried to call him the next day, just so things didn't end on such bad terms, ie him hanging up on me and me yelling at him. he didn't answer so i left a vm saying just that. i sent him an email letting him know if he decided he was able in the future, he knew how to reach me and sent him the pics we had taken while we were together and just left it at that. 2 months later, and no word. works for me!! :)
im sure im missing info in all that but its been a while and the highlights remain the same.
New Year's to Remember...well, not quite~
With a subject like that, I bet you're wondering what happened? So here goes...
This New Year's Eve started off pretty normal. Nalani woke up and asked if I had something to tell her. So of course I yelled "Happy Birthday, Nani!!" A non party year, we decided just to have dinner out with family. Olive Garden was the place and surprisingly, her dad's entire family showed up. All his siblings and his dad, with his new gf I might add (more on that later), complete with significant others and a couple cousins to round things out. Of course I was there and my mom came out too! For a table of 13, things were pretty tame, considering we never socialize together. I think that each member of his family has been to 2 total of Nalani's bday parties in her 9 years. Nalani wasn't having the best of times, seeing as how the new grandpa gf was stealing the show, so she decided a tummy ache was the way to go for a little attention. ~ A little side note: B's mom died last May, and now his dad is dating someone new. First time most of the kids have met her, is you guessed it, at Nalani's birthday dinner. Very strange folks ~ It quickly disappeared once everyone had finished eating and it was time to open presents. During the entire dinner, they are all talking about some rapper who is in the restaurant and wondering who it is. I have no idea, didn't really care. Then as the "rapper" is leaving, they tell me to turn around so I can tell them who it is. I turn around, have no clue as to who this is, so I ask our waitress just after they have all left the restaurant. She tells me its 112!! Now for anyone that actually knows me, they are my faves. No I didn't recognize them, I don't have posters in my room for crying out loud, I just love their music!! Of course I'm screaming at the news, yelling to anyone that will listen, "Let's go chase 'em!! I want them to sing to Nalani!" Finally get someone to realize that, yes, I am in fact serious, and I do want to actually ask them to come back inside to sing to my daughter, we go outside and they have already left the parking lot. The Devastation!! So sad am I. Now let's move on...everyone says their goodbyes. I kiss my little birthday girl and tell her I love her, wish her a happy birthday one more time ~ and race home to get ready. The plan is for me to get ready for the New Year's festivities at home, then drive to Phx to meet my friends. I call Amy, who at this time was supposed to be at a dinner of her own, who is still at home getting ready. I tell her I'm leaving in about 10 min and will call when I get close so I can meet her wherever she is going to be. I call her and she is at friend's party. Go to the house where I know no one, course I stand in the corner, engage in casual chitchat, waiting to go the Mill Ave Tostito's Bowl? I think that's what it was called. Moving on, we finally get there, walk around quite a bit, looking for a bar with the shortest line so we can really start drinking. We end up in some little place, where us gals decide to make up for lost time and Amy and I have the bright idea to do a shot!
What the fudge??? Who am I? After a few minutes, Jager (sp?) is what we decided on. First off, I have a sex on the beach to chase down my shot. Next thing I know, one of the gals we're out with buys me a Red Headed Slut which of course I have with a Red Bull and Vodka. Again I ask, who am I? Drinking and dancing, having fun, some guy decides we need another shot. Jager again!! Wtf? By this time, I am def a happy girl, talking to ppl I know I prob shouldn't, taking pictures of random ppl ~ just cuz I can ~ and it's midnight. Hugs and love around. More pictures. And I get the bright idea to buy a $60 bottle of champagne for me and my new friends to ring in the new year. Same question...who am I? So we toast to the nastiest champagne, and that's where the Tali memory stops. I don't remember anything after that point...up until I wake up in the hospital at 7:30am the following day. And I'm naked. Aye! Must have been some night. The nurses in the drunk tank keep asking me if I had fun, which my response is "Obviously, or I wouldn't be in here!"
Since I'm cracking jokes and sitting up, they tell me I can call someone to come pick me up. Since I have no shirt, no bra, no shoes ~ YEAH ~ I get to wear a couple hospital gowns and scrubs. I call my good pal Amy to come pick me up, what a great friend, she stayed in the hospital with me until 4am. Since I'm leaving and I still have no idea what happened to me and why I'm there, I decide to ask one of the nurses to check my file. He tells me I bumped my head couldnt respond to all questions, and that's why they brought me in. Couple days later, I still have a small knot on my head, bruises from the hospital staff and their many attempts at sticking an iv in my arms and I'm still a little dizzy. If that's from the experience or my lack of an appetite, I'm not really sure. I won't bore you with any more details, cuz let's face it, I coudn't if I wanted to! But you get the idea. All I can say now, least I made it to midnight!!